Established Working Groups

Account Working Group

Summary: Develop best practices, principles for the “Account” segment structure and hierarchy of the new Chart

  • Led by: Aileen Miller, Senior Business Systems Analyst, Fiscal Services 

< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca2de" tabindex="0" title="Account Working Group Charge:" >Account Working Group Charge:

  1. Develop principles for Account segment of Chart, including Account Types and hierarchy, to meet internal and external reporting requirements of Mason. Considerations include, but are not limited to:
    1. Integration with Cardinal and other state reporting
    2. External reporting requirements (GASB, NCAA, sponsor, etc.)
    3. Internal reporting needs
  2. Develop structure and hierarchy for new Chart based on those principles for review/approval by Project Team/Leadership
  3. Longer term recommendations for governance plan and change management (i.e., criteria for establishing new account values; governance process for changes to hierarchy, etc.) to preserve ongoing integrity of new chart


  • Engage subject matter expert resources within appropriate areas of Mason, along with best practice guidance from SIG as our project partner
  • Identify if additional resources are needed to support delivery and quantify the tasks, level of effort, and skills needed
  • Escalate issues to Core Project Team and project leadership in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution
  • Provide regular updates to the macro Project Plan
  • Structure of Chart and related hierarchy principles to be provided by August 6, 2021
  • Populated Chart values to be provided by October 1, 2021 to support initial mock conversion

Group Members include:

Nusrat Sultana • Claire Wurmfeld • Karina Mizrahi • Evelyn Frink • Clare Laskofski • Li Zhou • Yoon Hwang • Debbie Frey Williams • Jessica Adams • Sharon Heinle • Kimberly Maze • Amanda Fucci-Bartoszek • Angie Railey • Beth Ives • Margo Thoresen • Daniel Pelosi • Susan Wolfe • Derek Kan • Rob Faber

Accrual Accounting Working Group

Summary: Identify Banner accounting procedural changes to support accrual basis accounting and reporting elements to be implemented concurrent with the new COA

  • Led by: Claire Wurmfeld, Associate Controller, Fiscal Services
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca363" tabindex="0" title="Accrual Accounting Working Charge:" >Accrual Accounting Working Charge:
  1. Identify Banner accounting procedural changes to support accrual basis accounting and reporting elements to be implemented concurrent with the new COA (primary focus on student accounting and tuition revenue)
    1. Utilize existing AR group as SME’s to design, test, and implement changes
  2. Identify process changes to incorporate manual adjustments currently managed via excel spreadsheet into Banner to support accrual basis reporting directly from the system of record
  3. Develop timeline of when changes will be implemented for coordination of all impacted units/processes, stratifying between FY23 planned changes and those expected in future fiscal year(s)


  • Engage subject matter expert resources within appropriate areas of Mason (ITS, Fiscal Services, OBP, etc.), along with best practice guidance from SIG as our project partner
  • Identify if additional resources are needed to support delivery and quantify the tasks, level of effort, and skills needed
  • Escalate issues to Core Project Team and project leadership in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution
  • Provide regular updates to the macro Project Plan
  • Develop project plan for implementation and testing of modified accounting related to impacted detail codes
  • Consult with other Banner schools that utilize accrual accounting to understand process and ability to reconcile to Cardinal on cash basis (ODU, VCU)
  • Modify accounting and reconciliation processes as necessary to support accrual accounting
  • Ensure units are engaged to develop updated procedures for impacted processes

Group Members include:

Claire Wurmfeld • Sharon Heinle • Aileen Miller • Alicia Nelson • Beth Ives • Clare Laskofski • Daniel Pelosi • Joy Sobieralski • Karina Mizrahi • Rhona Baumgartner • Rob Faber • Sonya Howell • Steve Barcus • Yoon Hwang

Sub-group members: 

Noy Ly • Rebecca Sabella • Nusrat Sultana • Quyen Le

Detail Codes Redesign Sub-group members: 

Clare Laskofski • Rhonda Baumgartner • David Jones • Brent Moroz • David Namiotka • Aileen Miller • Sharon Heinle • Robert Faber • Claire Wurmfeld • Brian Nolan • Brian Atwood • Judy Muse • Steve Barcus • Marsha Lala

Business Process Analysis Work Group

Summary: To understand the business needs of units and to develop a common set of fiscal processes, reporting, and systems. 

  • Led by: Whitney Owens, Director, Operations and Business Services
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca38f" tabindex="0" title=" Business Process Analysis Work Group Charge:" > Business Process Analysis Work Group Charge:
  1. Identify the processes and requirements driving them across the institution.
  2. Analyze the identified processes and requirements and recommend a standardized process for future state.
    • Identify customizations, reports, or other inventory items that require prioritization to support the standardized process.
  3. Identify obsolete requirements and processes no longer required (based on the revised chart and overall institutional policy).
    • Identify customizations, reports, or other inventory items that can be eliminated based on BPR or the impact of the chart changes.


  • Work with the project team to ensure an understanding of required financial management principles and procedures.
  • Canvass contacts in each unit to understand current processes and impact of COA Redesign
  • Synthesize results of canvas into recommended future standardized processes and prioritized list of needed reports or other inventory items by 11/19/21
  • Maintain synergy with the SIG consultant working through the existing technical inventory and Reporting WG working through existing report inventory.
  • Document progress and findings in a common system (TBD) to allow reporting on the effort
  • Escalate issues and roadblocks to the core project team in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution.
  • Provide regular updates to the macro project plan. 

Group Members include:

Whitney Owen • Nikki Smith Acierto • Adam Bookman • Silke Vrouletis • Anahi Einhorn • Vasudha Verma • Thangaraju Gnanajothi • Joe Reeves

Crosswalk Working Group

Summary: Build comprehensive crosswalk of Chart 1 FOAPAL values to Chart P FOAPAL values

  • Led by: Aileen Miller, Senior Business Systems Analyst, Fiscal Services 
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca3f2" tabindex="0" title="Crosswalk Working Group Charge:" >Crosswalk Working Group Charge:
  1. Build comprehensive crosswalk of Chart 1 FOAPAL values to Chart P FOAPAL values based on worksheets provided by Accountability Project Partners for the units across campus.  This crosswalk will serve as:
  2. Basis for mock conversion exercise to update Banner data to new chart.
  3. Basis for reporting translations when needed to blend together Chart 1 and Chart P data for trends.
  4. Basis for providing other connected teams/systems utilizing Banner COA data a way to update values to reflect new structure
  5. Utilizing the crosswalk developed in #1, develop on-line tool accessible to university users to be able to translate known Chart 1 value into the related Chart P value(s).


  • Engage subject matter expert resources within appropriate areas of Mason (ITS, Fiscal Services, OBP, etc.), along with guidance from SIG as our project partner
  • Identify if additional resources are needed to support delivery and quantify the tasks, level of effort, and skills needed
  • Escalate issues to Core Project Team and project leadership in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution
  • Provide regular updates to the macro Project Plan
  • Develop structure of crosswalk table(s) no later than September 24, 2021 so that it can be populated as worksheets are received from APPS
  • Populate crosswalk with available information by October 15, 2021 to support first mock conversion week of 10/18/21.
  • Remediate/update crosswalk as needed based on results of first mock conversion by 12/15/2021 to support second mock conversion in January 2022.
  • Develop online lookup tool for COA website to be available to users by January 2022.

Group Members include:

Roopa Hemanth • Judy Fortin • Christopher Gay • Steve Barcus • Patricia Coray • Gregory Pirog • Brian Nolan • David Namiotka • Mehrnaz C Owyar-Hosseini • John Dooris • Sharon Heinle • Rob Faber • Katherine Astor • Dan Pelosi • Rhonda Baumgartner • Robert Sparkman • Joung Huh • Amanda Kennedy • Gerri Nickle

Finance Security Working Group (Status: Complete)

Summary: Recommend strategy for Banner Finance chart-based security to allow transactional continuity

  • Led by: David Namiotka, FAST Director, Fiscal Services 
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca42c" tabindex="0" title="Security Working Group Charge:" >Security Working Group Charge:
  1. Recommend strategy for Banner Finance chart-based security to allow transactional continuity upon conversion to the new Chart on July 1, 2022. Considerations include, but are not limited to:
    1. Allowing adequate access to users for transacting and viewing finance data in Banner;
    2. Ability to leverage Finance security for other modules, such as HR/Payroll, and downstream systems such as reporting layer (data mart);
    3. Sustainability of maintaining/updating security as chart changes occur
    4. Leveraging Banner functionality for best practices/efficient use of the system features.
  2. Longer term recommendations for streamlining security strategy, including role-based access, workflows, and related systems to eliminate need for provisioning access in multiple systems. These longer term recommendations may be considered within the scope of the project if there are efficiencies to be gained, or may be placed on a list for later projects if not critical to meeting the July 1, 2022 chart conversion deadline.


  • Engage subject matter expert resources within appropriate areas of Mason, along with best practice guidance from SIG as our project partner to develop recommended strategy chart security updates
  • Identify if additional resources are needed to support delivery and quantify the tasks, level of effort, and skills needed
  • Escalate issues to Core Project Team and project leadership in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution
  • Provide regular updates to the macro Project Plan
  • Major shifts from current practices will be reviewed for approval by Project Executive leadership – business case should be provided for these changes (pros/cons, efficiencies gained, best practices, etc.)
  • Initial strategy and provisioning to be delivered by October 1, 2021, to support initial mock conversion. Remediation/changes to strategy may be necessary depending on testing results.

Group Members include:

David Namiotka • Rob Sparkman • Sharon Heinle • Aileen Miller • Patricia Coray • Jieping Li • Judy Fortin • Francesca Brunner-Kennedy • Mike Laskofski • Kim Maze • Kevin Borek • Lori Polnow • Steve Barcus • Brian Nolan • Rob Faber

Finance Security Implementation Working Group

Summary: Implement approved recommendations for finance security under the revised Chart of Accounts structure and principles

  • Led by: David Namiotka, FAST Director, Fiscal Services 
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca44f" tabindex="0" title="Finance Security Implementation Working Group Charge:" >Finance Security Implementation Working Group Charge:
  1. Implement approved recommendations from COA project to simplify finance security under the revised COA structure and principles.  Develop future state security design and transition plan to migrate from current state. Currently approved* recommendations include:
    • Provide Organization Security at Department (L5) or higher level in Org Hierarchy;
    • Provide Master Fund query access for all users;
    • Remove row level security in data mart (Microstrategy) reporting;
  2. Support and develop content for change management activities, including testing and data validation, user communications, and training.


  • Engage subject matter expert resources within appropriate areas of Mason, along with best practice guidance from SIG as our project partner to develop transition plan for Banner Finance security and impacted downstream applications that leverage Banner Finance security
  • Coordinate testing and data validation with Banner Liaisons to confirm appropriate access is granted in ERP for future state – to be completed by Mock 2 UAT (January 25, 2022)???
  • Coordinate reporting design changes with BI team to reflect changes to data mart security
  • Provide content for communications and trainings to user community to understand new security framework, including ongoing project communications, COA Boot Camp in April 2022, and subsequent trainings
  • Modify procedures/forms to reflect future state access provisioning by June 2022, for July 1, 2022 go-live
  • Identify if additional resources are needed to support delivery and quantify the tasks, level of effort, and skills needed
  • Escalate issues to Core Project Team and project leadership in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution
  • Provide regular updates to the macro Project Plan

* Note that additional decisions from COA Redesign Project team/leadership may result in additional changes to security procedures/policies as the project progresses. 

Group Members include:

Rob Sparkman • Amanda Kennedy • David Namiotka • Francesca Brunner-Kennedy • Judy Fortin • Alexander Yun • Patricia Coray • Greg Pirog • Kimberly Maze • Ryan Wetter • Emily Bello •

HR/Payroll Processes Working Group

Summary: Identify Banner HR and Payroll related processes to streamline which will facilitate the COA implementation due to better use of delivered functionality

  • Led by: Patricia Coray, HRIS Director, Human Resources/Payroll
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca46f" tabindex="0" title="HR/Payroll Processes Working Group Charge:" >HR/Payroll Processes Working Group Charge:
  1. Identify Banner HR and Payroll related processes to streamline processes which are to be implemented concurrent with the new COA – primary focus on “quick wins” and those changes which will facilitate the COA implementation due to better use of delivered functionality
    1. Leverage SIG Back to Basics (B2B) engagement for identification and consulting services for implementation
  2. Identify other process changes to be pursued after launch of COA to further improve utilization of Banner ERP functionality


  • Engage subject matter expert resources within appropriate areas of Mason (ITS, Fiscal Services, OBP, etc.), along with best practice guidance from SIG as our project partner
  • Identify if additional resources are needed to support delivery and quantify the tasks, level of effort, and skills needed
  • Escalate issues to Core Project Team and project leadership in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution
  • Provide regular updates to the macro Project Plan
  • Develop and execute plan for implementation and testing of modified processes that will be implemented in conjunction with the new COA

Group Members include: 

Inventory Working Group

Summary: To conduct a detailed business/process analysis for identified custom code, integrations, and customized items, and minimize the number of items that lose functionality when the chart changes on July 1, 2022, . 

  • Led by:  Catherine Seeley, ITS Project Management Consultant 
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca48c" tabindex="0" title="Inventory Working Group Charge:" >Inventory Working Group Charge:
  1. Utilizing the inventory list created by the Technical Working Group, document the business needs for each inventory item and a preliminary assessment of:
    • whether the item is currently utilized;
    • whether the item will still be needed following the chart redesign;
    • whether the item will be impacted by the chart redesign and if so, how; and
    • if still needed, the criticality of the object which will support prioritization or the remediation activities.
  2. In addition to the core business reasoning for the development of items, the analysis will include an assessment of any process change required following the new chart go-live date and responsibility for ensuring that change is planned and executed.
  3. Add any additional inventory items including cloud based and non-ITS managed systems that integrate to chart elements discovered during analysis
  4. Work with the core project team to regularly prioritize the inventory list.
  5. Provide a timeline to include effort and expected resources to the macro project plan


  • Research and document the need for each inventory item based on the identified requestor, business unit, and functionality captured in the inventory list.
  • Maintain synergy with Mason’s UBC group who will be working through the functional business and process requirements of each unit through leadership down to the process level.
  • Recognize redundancies of inventory items and document where consolidation is appropriate.
  • Work with the Technical Working Group to gather any additional information not included in the list today.
  • Employ triage to maximize investigation of the full list prior to the 10/18 first mock conversion.
  • Escalate issues and roadblocks to the core project team in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution.
  • Provide regular updates to the macro project plan.

Group Members include:

Catherine Seeley • Sohail Syed • Terence Leung

Policy Working Group

Summary: Identify and Coordinate policy updates as they relate to Chart Redesign efforts 

  • Led by: Heather Strange, Director of Fiscal Policy and Communication, Fiscal Services
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca4a8" tabindex="0" title="Policy Working Group Charge:" >Policy Working Group Charge:
  1. Identify policies which reference existing chart elements which need to be updated based on Chart Redesign, with a particular focus on central administrative processes
  2. Will facilitate communications and coordinate with responsible policy/process owners to update procedures, forms, etc. to reflect redesigned chart and ensure updated information is available by July 1, 2022, launch date.


  • Engage subject matter expert resources within appropriate areas of Mason, along with best practice guidance from SIG as needed to develop updated processes
  • Where significant process changes are identified, coordinate with process owner to provide appropriate training communications (e.g., user guides, live/recorded training, inclusion in COA Boot Camp, etc.)
  • Identify if additional resources are needed to support delivery and quantify the tasks, level of effort, and skills needed
  • Escalate issues to Core Project Team and project leadership in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution
  • Provide regular updates to the macro Project Plan

Group Members include:

Michelle Lim • Tammy Etter • Diane Saunders • Aileen Miller • Amanda Fucci-Bartoszek • Erica Mcquiston • Meredith Muckerman • Daniel Labriola 

Reporting Working Group

Summary: Standardize and update reports for the varying needs and analytical requirements of the University

  • Led by: Judy Fortin, ITS Manager, Business Intelligence Services
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca4c3" tabindex="0" title="Reporting Working Group Charge:" >Reporting Working Group Charge:
  1. Deliver initial set of standardized core financial reports based on new chart structure to meet the financial reporting & analysis needs of majority of Mason units in time for UAT in Spring 2022.
    • Requirements gathering expected to be combination of current widely utilized reports, input from key stakeholders, and core project team members
    • Modifications/additions may be needed based upon feedback from testers during UAT.
  2. Identify changes needed to ETL as a result of new chart structure (elimination of custom logic no longer needed, additional data elements to be incorporated into datamart, etc.)
  3. Inventory existing centrally managed reports and dashboards – determine those that can be retired (based upon chart changes or replacement by new core reports) and those requiring updates. Of the reports to be updated, prioritize for those that must be available as of July 1, 2022, and those that can be addressed at a later date
  4. Longer term recommendations for governance plan and change management (i.e., prioritizing making changes in system of record; criteria for if/when customizations may be made at the reporting layer) to preserve ongoing integrity of new chart


  • Engage subject matter expert resources within appropriate areas of Mason (ITS, Fiscal Services, OBP, etc.), along with best practice guidance from SIG as our project partner
  • Identify if additional resources are needed to support delivery and quantify the tasks, level of effort, and skills needed
  • Escalate issues to Core Project Team and project leadership in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution
  • Provide regular updates to the macro Project Plan
  • Develop templates for standardized core reports for approval by Project Executive leadership. Develop reports in test environment so that testers can see and provide feedback on adequacy of standard reports during Spring 2022 UAT (second mock conversion)
  • Prioritized inventory of existing reports and disposition, including planned timeline for updates where needed, including those to be completed before July1, 2022 go-live and those that will be updated post go-live.

Group Members include:

Judy Fortin • Francesca Brunner-Kennedy • Roopa Hemanth • Karen Lalicker • Karina Mizrahi • Daniel Pelosi • Li Zhou • Kimberly Maze • Katherine Astor • Ryan Wilson • Cassandra Thomas • Daniel Fisher • Laurie Miller • Stephen Mcwilliams • Chris Chen • Kimberly Dight • Brandon Nzekwe • David Namiotka • Aileen Miller • Rob Faber • Sharon Heinle

Technical Working Group

Summary: Gather and evaluate inventory and assess current integrations, custom code, systems, and reports potentially impacted by the Chart redesign. Develop testing environment and plan for implementation

  • Led by: Chris Gay, ITS Director, Enterprise Data Integration Services and Reporting
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca4df" tabindex="0" title="Technical Working Group Charge:" >Technical Working Group Charge:
  1. Establish dedicated development instance and test environment for COA project, including integrations with key systems (data mart, Appworx, etc.) to use for mock conversions and UAT
  2. Develop testing plan for those activities which cannot be tested in the COA dedicated test environment (e.g. due to necessary integrations/processes) to include testing in other available Banner instances/environments, including PROD where no other options exist
  3. Gather and evaluate inventory of integrations, custom code, and reports potentially impacted by Chart change. Evaluation of inventory to include impact and prioritization of those items that need to be in place as of July 1, 2022, vs. those that can be updated after go-live or eliminated entirely.
  4. Longer term recommendations for governance plan and change management (i.e., criteria for creation of custom code vs. utilization of baseline processes, documentation and approvals for custom objects, etc.) to maintain inventory for future use.


  • Engage subject matter expert resources within appropriate areas of Mason, along with best practice guidance from SIG as our project partner
  • Identify additional resources needed to support delivery and quantify the tasks, level of effort, and skills needed (contract staff for analysis, updates, testing, etc. efforts)
  • Escalate issues to Core Project Team and project leadership in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution
  • Provide regular updates to the macro Project Plan
  • Development environment to be available by August 1, 2021
  • Initial inventory of critical integrations and custom code to be created by August 1, 2021.
  • Prioritized inventory of critical integrations and custom code to be completed by September 1, 2021
  • Project plan (including specific timeline) for prioritized updates/testing to meet July 1, 2022 go-live date, including items identified for remediation prior to each mock conversion so that results can be included in appropriate testing activities
  • Project plan for updates/testing of items determined not critical as of July 1, 2022, including timeline for completion of all identified objects impacted by COA Redesign

Group Members include:

Christopher Gay • Mary Lulis • David Namiotka • Ahmad Taheri • Ying Dang • Patricia Coray • Gregory Pirog • Rhonda Baumgartner • Joung Huh • Gerri Nickle • Amanda Kennedy • Brent Moroz • Melinda Stawarz • Sowjanya Ramsetty • Khoi Nguyen • Nian Ma • Mai Tran • Elizabeth Boyen • Jing Lu • Tsinwah Lee • Amir Tofighi • Samuel White • Srujana Sanagana • Su Bin Park

Testing Working Group

Summary: Develop processes and necessary test plans for evaluating system functionality for the Chart redesign

  • Led by:  Marsha Lala, Strata Information Group
< class="collapseomatic " id="id662df7a1ca507" tabindex="0" title="Testing Working Group Charge:" >Testing Working Group Charge:
  1. Collect existing test scripts from ITS and functional departments to use as starting point for combined test plan.
  2. Evaluate adequacy of existing test scripts by identifying gaps and coordinating with units to develop additional testing necessary to evaluate system functionality against the redesigned chart, understanding that potentially more processes will require testing than a typical upgrade.


  • Engage subject matter expert resources within appropriate areas of Mason (ITS, Fiscal Services, OBP, etc.), along with best practice guidance from SIG as our project partner
  • Identify if additional resources are needed to support delivery and quantify the tasks, level of effort, and skills needed
  • Escalate issues to Core Project Team and project leadership in a timely manner to facilitate quick resolution
  • Provide regular updates to the macro Project Plan
  • Develop test plan for each mock conversion:
    • #1 – October 18, 2021
    • #2 – January 10, 2022
    • #3 – March 18, 2022
  • Identify and implement system for collecting results of testing, including:
    • 1) issues for remediation,
    • 2) plans for retesting, and
    • 3) user sign-off. System to be available for use following each mock conversion

Group Members include:

Marsha Lala • Aileen Miller • Amanda Kennedy • Patricia Coray • Lori Polnow • Kimberly Maze • Jieping Li • Christopher Gay • RobFaber • Sharon Heinle • Judy Fortin • Steve Barcus • Jessica Adams